How to get to the Palais Ferstel

Strauchgasse 4, 1010 Vienna

Public transport: U3 station „Herrengasse“, walk about 3 minutes

U2 station „Schottentor“, walk about 8 minutes

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Palais Ferstel

A piece of Italy in the middle of Vienna?

And it’s Mr. Ferstel’s fault. Of course he was a „von“, the Ferstel. After all, we are in Vienna! But unlike other palaces in Vienna, this one was not named after its owner but after its architect. Otherwise it would have had to be called „National Bank“ or „Stock Exchange“, as that was the actual dedication of the magnificent building created by Heinrich von Ferstel.

However, „Das Ferstel“ now enchants its celebrating and meeting guests with its wonderful Venetian-Florentine Trecento style, which is unique in Vienna. With splendid rooms, magnificent chandeliers and a magnificent arcaded courtyard. An Italian palazzo – in the middle of Vienna in the 1st district on the Freyung.